Group Blog
I have decided to create my commercial alone. I prefer to work individually on assignments. The reason behind this is I am accountable for my work and i don't have to worry about someone not submitting or doing their work on time. I also like having control over my project so that it can turn out the way I want it to. It is also easier because then I can do it on my time schedule and don't have to worry about someone being absent or busy. I've always found myself to be the individual type and work alone even when given the option to work together. I find it more peaceful. I also feel like i have accomplished more when working individually then with a group. I am most likely going to get help with filming from a friend in my class. I am going to go through the filmmaking process individually. I will establish an idea, create a storyboard, film, and edit. I have worked well both with groups and without groups in previous years. However, I find working alone is much more suitable for me. I hope working alone gives me the time and space to successfully finish my assignment and get a good grade. I am hoping my commercial meets all expectations of my instructors. I am also hoping that doing this project alone will allow me to learn how to manage my time wisely and be able to submit everything on time or before the due date. I am also hoping that doing this project alone will give me insight on the rest of the year and if i want to work in a group or not for upcoming projects. Working alone can be beneficial on this project because it gives me a sense of independence. It prepares me for college when working alone. I won't always have projects where i have the opportunity to work in groups, therefore working alone prepares me for that. It teaches me how to depend on myself and prepare myself for independent assignments.
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