Today was my second day of filming. Today I needed to film quite a bit of it outside. Lucky for me the weather was perfect. It was a sunny day and it wasn't to hot outside. The weather being nice really made filming enjoyable. To start my filming I started with preparing the area I was filming in. I did this by making sure that the lighting worked well for my scenes. I also made sure that the filming location worked for what I needed. I didn't have anyone to help me film this scene so I set my phone up where it needed to be to create a long shot. I then put the timer on the phone for 10 seconds and walked far enough away to the point the background and myself were the main focus of this scene and it wasn't just focusing on me. I needed someone to help me film my next scene. For this next scene it was a tracking shot of the girl walking down the street and into her house. This is the final scene. After I concluded my filming I rewatched the scenes and made sure they were to...
Although I have introduced myself in the past, I am here again. After the last project I feel I have progressed in this class. The commercial has really helped me learn more about this class and why I enjoy it so much. Anyways, let me introduce myself again. My name is Taylor Lamont. I am currently in the 10th grade at Fort Lauderdale High School. I play on the varsity girls lacrosse team for my school and on a travel lacrosse team during the spring and summer. My favorite classes I have been taking this year are Anatomy and Physiology and this AICE Media Studies class. As I am in tenth grade I have been looking into what I want to do in the future. I have no idea what I want to study or what my dream job is, I do, however know I would like to go to college. I am hoping that this class might be able to help me decide what I want to do in the future. Some of my hobbies include watching movies and shows, listening to music, and writing. My favorite music genre is country music. I love th...
My name is Taylor Lamont. It is currently the second semester of school and with that we are starting out final task. I am so excited to start this. I love to see the progress i've made throughout the year in this class. I am extremely excited to start this project and out everything I have learned this year to make this my best production yet. Scheduling might be a little harder this time of year due to the start of my lacrosse season. Although having to work around it is a small bump in the road, I just have to manage my time wisely and i'll be okay. Anyways, I should probably introduce myself again. I am a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School. I am currently 15 and my hobbies range from sports to listening to music. My favorite sport to watch is football and hockey. My favorite sport to play is lacrosse and I play for both the school and a travel team. My favorite genre of music is country. I love the way the lyrics tell a story. Being in this class has led me to many o...
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